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Team Mtg Turkey Valley

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago


Cognitively Guided Instruction


CGI Training


Team Meetings/Turkey Valley



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Date Members Present Focus Problem Type of Strategy Example:

 Cheryl Carolan, Betty Backes,

Brenda Frana, Robyn Vsetecka,

Angela Balk, Barb Smith, Kim Boos

Sharon Bahr, Donna Hejhal

 The Trojans are in

the playoffs!  The

cheerleaders did 7

pushups after the

first touchdown.  They

did 14 pushups after the

second touchdown.  How

many pushups did they


 direct modeling,

counting, number

facts, counting on,


 pictures drawn; base ten; 2 groups were drawn, then sts. counted all or counted on;


 Cheryl Carolan, Betty Backes,

Brenda Frana, Robyn Vsetecka,

Angela Balk, Barb Smith, Kim Boos

Sharon Bahr,

 - we discussed our future dates for CGI collaboration times Jan. 9 - 1pm-2pm, Jan. 19 - 8am-9am, Feb. 6 - 1pm-2pm, Feb. 23 - 8am-9am, March 11 - 3:30-4:30, and March 30 - 3-4 pm

- we discussed who might be able to attend the May CGI workshop in Elkader due to substitute availability

- we chose and discussed the base 10 problems we will use in January

- we shared student strategies to problems given in December






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