Team Mtg Starmont Year 1
Page history
last edited
by Josh Steffen 14 years, 11 months ago
Cognitively Guided Instruction
CGI Training
Team Meetings/Starmont
Year 1

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Date |
Members Present |
Focus Problem |
Type of Strategy |
Example: |
Oct. 14, 2009 |
Josh Steffen
Barb Barclay
Tom Pickart
Val Hall
Sheryl Anfinson
Sandy Klaus
Dorothy Sparks
Willie has 12 crayons. Lucy has 7 crayons. How many more crayons does Willy have than Lucy?
(25,16) (32,25) (100,70) (316,216)
direct model with cubes
standard algorithm
Counted on number line or number grid.
Used a fact triange.
7+5= 12
Counted by 10's
I knew 200+300=500 so I put 16 at the end.
Kids are more comfortable now than at the beginning of the year!
Nov. 11, 2009 |
Josh Steffen
Val Hall
Sheryl Anfinson
Dorothy Sparks
Frog found 7 (23) baseball cards under his bed. When Frog counted his baseball cards, he found that he had 15 (55). How many cards did Frog have before he found the cards under his bed? |
direct modeling
number grids
number facts
starting at 7 and counting up to 15
doubles plus one
Jan 13,, 2010 |
Josh Steffen
Barb Barclay
Tom Pickart
Sandy Klaus
Val Hall
60 Starmont students are going to the North Pole. 10 students fit in one train car. How many train cars will be needed for everyone to go? |
direct modeling
number grids
direct base 10 knowledge
pictures and base 10 blocks
counting by 10's to 60
kids knew there was a 6 in the 10's place so there is 6 train cars
Feb. 10, 2010 |
Barb Barclay Tom Pickart
Sheryl Anfinson
Val Hall
Josh Steffen
Sandy Klaus
Nicki had 76 snow animals. 10 snow animals could fit in one mitten. If Nicki wanted to fit all of the animals inside the mittens, how many mittens does he need? |
direct modeling number grids
direct base 10
base 10 blocks
counting by 10's and then 1's
kids knew 7 was in the 10's place and then they needed another mitten to get to 8 mittens.
March 10, 2010 |
Josh Steffen
Val Hall
Dorothy Sparks
Tom Pickart
Sheryl Anfinson
Barb Barclay
Sara had 5 boxes of candy. There are 7 pieces of candy in each box. How many pieces of candy does she have? |
direct modeling
counting strategies
counting by 5's 7 times
add 7+7+7+7+7
Team Mtg Starmont Year 1
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