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Team Mtg MFL Mar Mac

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Cognitively Guided Instruction


CGI Training


Team Meetings/MFL Mar Mac



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Christy Matthew, Nancy Berry, Pam Havlicek

Date Members Present Focus Problem Type of Strategy Example:
 10/27/08  Pam Havlicek, Mary Kleve, Nancy Berry, Kathy Koether, Mary Beth Allyn

 Applesauce problem:  Grandma was making applesauce.  She had 14 apples.  She peeled 8 of the apples.  How many apples did she still have left?

 Separate, Results Unknown

 Students used counters and made pictures - Direct modeling.  One student counted down
 11/10/08  Mary Kleve, Mary Beth Allyn, Pam Havlicek, Christy Matthew and Kathy Koether Kate has 9 yellow apples.  She also had 6 red apples.  How many more yellow apples thatn red apples does Kate have?  Compare, Difference Unknown  Students used counting on, direct modeling, (pictures)  Some teachers used a lower number of apples and some students still didn't know what to do.  Students used comparisons without always understanding that they are using subtraction.
 11/24/08  Nancy Berry, Mary Beth Allyn, Pam Havlicek, Kathy Koether, Christy Matthew  Dawn want to make apple pies.  Each pie needs 5 apples.  How amny apples does Dawn need to make 3 pies?  Multiplication  Students used direct modeling.  Some students still uncertain about how to proceed.  Tried number sentences and that didn't work for many students.    Our discussion let the group to decide that we should try the same kind of problem (or strategy) over time so that we could use that information for discussion pruposes.
 12/01/08  Nancy Berry, Mary Beth Allyn, Pam Havlicek, Mary Kleve, Christy Matthew and Kathy Koether  Annie had 12 pencils.  She needs to put them in boxes.  10 pencils fit in each box.  How many boxes can she fill with pencils?    Found that the language of this problem was difficult for some students.    Many students wanted to say two boxes since some of the pencils could be used to start a second box.  Direct modeling was used by many students.
 1/12/09    Meeting cancelled due to weather    
 2/2/09  Christy Matthew, Mary Kleve, Mary Beth Allyn, Nancy Berry, Pam Havlicek, Kathy Koether

 The first three problems from previous meeting:

On Monday it snowed 12 inches.  On Tuesday it snowed 7 inches.  How many more inches did it snow on Monday than Tuesday?


Last night it snowed 10 inches in Monona and 3 inches in McGregor.  How much more snow fell in Monona?


One penguin had 5 eggs.  Another penguin had 1 egg.  How Many more did the first penquin have?


 Kindergarten students and Special Ed students each used direct modeling for the first problem.  One Kindergarten student used the "count on" strategy.





Kindergarten class used direct modeling and 15/18 solved correctly.




Kindergarten students used direct modeling.  However, only three students arrived at the correct answer.


We chose the next two problems for our Feb. 23rd meeting. (One is a base 10 problem)

10/12/09  Install Flip Camera to lap top computers       
11/9/09  Pam Havlicek, Mary Beth Allyn, Nancy Berry, Christy Matthew  Discussion of how CGI is working in the classroom.Discussed how new math series integrates CGI questions.     
12/7/09  Pam Havlicek, Mary Beth Allyn, Nancy Berry, Christy Matthew  Discussion with both groups on questioning done in classroom and common problems with questions. Looked at how CGI is supporting our  new Math Series. Talked about subtraction equations.    






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