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Page history last edited by Lisa Snitker 14 years, 9 months ago

Cognitively Guided Instruction



CGI Training


Kindergarten Reflections


Use this page to post reflections/questions, responses to collegues questions and reflections, important learnings and other good information.


11/24/09 Starmont:

I administered the base ten problem of 2 boxes of crayons with 10 crayons in each box.  How many altogether?

I had 2 students who knew the problem with no direct modeling but just counted by tens.  7 of my students did direct modeling, although 2 of them counted incorrectly.  6 of my students had no clue. I think I will continue to work on this type of problem.


HI Kindergarten teachers, Just wondering what types of problems your kindergarten students are doing? We are working with join result unknown and simple multiplication. I also like to give them a challenge story problem. All of the students are direct modeling.


Betty at TV


I like your idea of giving them a challenge problem. My students also like having challenge story problems. Kim at TV




Hi Kindergarten Teachers,

Has anyone worked with the base 10 problems? I am thinking of choosing some of the problems handed out at the last keystone meeting. I did work with a few counting activities where the students had to group the blocks but that was as far as we got. Betty at TV


Christy @MFL MarMac

We are working on the problems posted on the wiki as Story Problems to Share. Then each grade changes the numbers so it is appropriate for the level of students.


Monday I did the problem: Mrs. Koether has 6 packages of cookies. Each package has 10 cookies. She also has 4 more cookies. How many cookies does she have? I video taped three kids I thought were at different levels. The first two were able to show the answer with blocks. One counted by tens and added on the ones to give the answer. The other started at the ones and counted all of the blocks and also got the answer. The third student had no idea how to get the answer other than taking 4 cubes off of a ten stick and saying the 4 cubes and the remainder of the ten stick was the answer.


This morning we had one person put out ten sticks and ones and we wrote the number. We also checked a couple by counting all cubes to show that you reach the same number. We will see if the mini lesson on numbers helps with understanding of the story problems in the future.


Hi Kindergarten Teachers! 12/3/09,

I did the problem: There are 2 ponds the bear likes to eat out of.  Each pond has 5 fish.  How many fish are there altogether?

I had a lot of students draw 2 circles for ponds and then drew 5 circles for each fish inside of the pond.  Then they counted each of the circles, then realized that there were 10 fish all together.  I also had students use their number line and count 5 two times to get 10.  I surprisingly even had a student write 5+5=10.  I decided that next time, I would like to try higher numbers- especially in the teens in order for them to practice counting those tricky teen numbers!


Danielle Rose

Postville- Kindergarten


Hello Kindergarten Teachers! 12/ 16/09

I teach Alternative Kindergarten which is the youngest 5's.  Yesterday I posed the problem;  Smokey has 2 boxes of crayons.  There are 5 crayons in each box.  How many crayons does Smokey have all together?  We had been counting fingers and toes.  I thought they would think 5 and 5 and say 10.  Only 1 student did and then she had a very hard time drawing it but she knew she needed 10.  Eventially 7 students out of 9 could draw it or show me using real crayons.  I think I'm asking them to move to the connecting phase or recording phase before they are ready???  We do O.K. solving the problems using the manipulatives, but when I pull out the papers. they moan.  Any suggestions?  Suzanne at Postville.


Hello Kindergarten teachers,  1/11/2010

I tried the problem, Sue had 2 boxes of crayons . If she had 5 crayons in each box, how many crayons did she have in all?  Five students figured it out just fine.  Two had some trouble.  I changed  the problem for  some  students.  One   problem was 3 boxes of crayons with five crayons in each box.  The girl direct modeled and knew the answer was 15 and said, how do you make a 15?  Using her number line, she counted to 15 and then wrote the number.  Another adaptation was 5 boxes of 5 crayons.  That was solved correctly.  I asked one child to solve 4 boxes of 5 crayons.  That was direct modeled and solved correctly. One student  solved 3 boxes of crayons with 10 crayons in each box.  The child was  trying to solve it, but got mixed up.  On a second try he drew the 3 boxes and wrote the  number 10 in each box.  He counted by 10's and solved the problem.  One student was given the problem 10 boxes of crayons with 10 crayons in each box.  He drew 10 boxes, put the number 10 in each box,  added  plus signs between boxes  and wrote 100.  I want to try problems with some left overs and see how that works for them.  For the students who are having trouble , I will keep their problems simple, maybe reduce the number choices,  and model more with them.  That's what's been happening here.  Looking forward to hearing from you.  Lisa at Postville.


Comments (3)

matthewcl@... said

at 2:54 pm on Oct 6, 2009

I have 2 boxes of crayons. There are 10 crayons in each box. How many crayons do I have?

I have one full box of crayons and 4 more. How many all together?

Susie, Nancy, Linda and Christy

matthewcl@... said

at 3:27 pm on Oct 13, 2009

Today we did the story problem- Jack had 7 apples. Jill had 6 apples. Together they have how many apples? I picked this problem so the kids could practice drawing out their thinking. Nine students were able to draw out the problem and had the correct answer. Four were able to draw the groups of apples but did not understand how to join the groups. Two just drew pictures and numbers-the good thing is that they were of apples:) We didn't have time to share so we will do that tomorrow.

matthewcl@... said

at 6:16 pm on Nov 30, 2009

Results from base ten question. 2 boxes of crayons with 10 in each
3 copied others
6 incorrect answer
7 Direct Modeling correct answer
2 Knew answer without Direct odeling

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