Welcome to the Keystone AEA 1
CGI Mathematics Training
Wiki Page
Cognitively Guided Instruction or CGI Training is a K-5 professional development program in which teachers learn to assess children's mathematical thinking and to use what they know about children's thinking during instruction.
It is based on twenty years of research from the University of Wisconsin and has been found to raise student achievement for all population groups. This program is effective in helping teachers identifiy student thinking and assigning problems that are developmentally appropriate.
CGI Year 2 Problem.docCGI Year 2 Problem.doc
CGI Problem for March meeting:
The principal needs ___ markers. There are ___ markers in each package. How many packages will she need to buy?
(15 5) (38 10) (132 10) (481 10) (1031 10) (20, 062 10)
Adjust numbers for your students, if the above does not work for your grade level. Please bring a representative sample of student work to the March meeting to share. Choose one student and share problem, problem type and strategy and ask one question that you have after reflecting on this student work.
Problem Strategies Chart from Dubuque Bryant Elementary via Becky Berry:
Strategies for Solving Problems.doc
For more information about CGI Training at Keystone AEA 1, please email Sue Runyon, srunyon@aea1.k12.ia.us
How-to-edit Wiki handout, click here CGI.doc
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