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Flip Video Information

Page history last edited by dhenkes@... 14 years, 11 months ago


Flip Video Information



How to use your new Flip Video


Click Here for Flip Video Support


To record


  • Turn the camera on with the slider button on the right side of the camera when lens is NOT facing you.


  • Press the red button in the center of the camera when ready to record.
  • Press the red button when finished recording.


Turn the camera off when not in use using the power button you used to turn it on.


Downloading to your computer


Flip the USB button the left side of the camera when lens is not facing you. Notice the USB plug pops out. Plug the USB plug into your USB port on your computer.



The first time you plug your camera into your computer, just follow installation steps to install the software on your computer. Don't forget to install updates to the software as they appear on your computer.


Your computer and your camera will automatically start communicating and will download your movies. Follow the prompts instructed by your particular programming.





How to share your Flip Videos


When you want to upload videos to a blog or website, it is best to use the Flip Video Program's Online feature.


1.     On the main screen, select the video to save and click ‘Save to computer’

2.    The computer will create a folder to save the video in which you can rename if you choose to.

3.    Then select the video that you’d like to upload or share, go to Share > click Online.

4.    In Step 1, click ‘Other Web Sites', then click next

5.    In Step 2, click ‘Other', then click next

6.    In Step 3, name your folder, then click GO

7.    A folder on the desktop of your computer will be created with your movie in it, that is ready to upload. The format will be WMV on Windows and MOV on Macintosh. You’ll also get a web message that says “Your videos are ready….follow ‘its’ upload instructions”






How to post or upload your Flip Videos


Click on the link to post to the blog on the cgi-math.pbwiki.com site

OR  Go to the Keystone Blog website



Username - cgi, password - math



1.     Enter the username and password.

2.    Then choose "+” to create a new blog post and give the entry a title.

3.    In the box below you can add text with information about the video file you are uploading to the server.


  •  On the MAC side: To upload your movie file, click the Insert Tool  on the Tool Bar.
    • Proceed to step 4.
  • On the WIN side: To upload your movie file, click Attach Tool (looks like a paperclip) on the tool bar.
    • Proceed to step 4.


4.    Click Choose File and then navigate to the saved file on your computer that you want to upload and select it. (Tip - make sure you are choosing the actual movie file, not the folder that the file is in. File formats to upload - .mov, .avi, or  .wmv)

5.  Click "Insert" on the bottom right.

6.    Then click “save” on the Tool Bar, your content should now be posted!

7.    To edit the post click the “pencil", to delete the post click the  “ - “


Tips for Viewing


On the WIN side:

1. Click on the file you want to view: 

2. Choose to "open (not save file) with Windows Media Play", see picture below.



3. Windows Media Player should open and play the video in a few seconds.



On the Mac Side:

1. Click on the movie that you'd like to view. Movies uploaded by a MAC will look like a black square with an image inside. It is a  QuickTime Movie or .mov file.

2. Click the play button in the middle. The video should play in the blog window.



Tips for viewing QuickTime movies (.mov) on the Windows side:


You may need to download QuickTime, it's a free download and can be found here: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/


Tips for viewing Windows Media videos (.wmv) on the Mac side:


Download this free application that will allow you to view .wmv videos within QuickTime:



Or you can also download Windows Media Player for Mac, here:




To play an .AVI file, on the Mac side, choose QuickTime - see picture below:



To play an .AVI file, on the Windows side, choose Windows Media Player - see picture below:






Make sure to follow proper procedures when removing your Flip camera from your computer! Make sure you QUIT the program and remove properly - on the MAC - drag the Flip icon to the trash, on the PC - Exit completely before removing and click on 'Safely remove hardware' !



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